The club has a very active social element, with numerous events being held every month, some of which are shown below. For new members these provide a great opportunity to meet other members and organise regular games.

Our tennis manager also acts as a focal point for members wishing to organise games with other members.

Singles Box League
A competition, which promotions and demotions based on the amount of points earned.

Spring & Autumn Leagues
An internal doubles competition with a number of teams playing each other over a number of Sunday evenings, followed by a social evening.

Wednesday Morning Tennis & Tea
Every Wednesday morning members meet for a social game followed by tea/coffee in the clubhouse – starts at 10am.
Booking not required – just show up!

Friday Evening Social Tennis
There are 2 sessions held on Friday evenings from 7pm-8pm and another from 8pm-9pm. All welcome – please book in advance.
Book here

Saturday Morning Hitting Practice
There are 2 sessions held on Saturday mornings from 10am to 11:30 and also 11:30am to 1pm. It consists of a number of drills designed to improve your game. All welcome – please book in advance.
Book here

Closed Championship
A members internal competition in both singles and doubles.